World Water Day 2019

Hello Friends and Family!

It’s Larissa! I am so excited to share that I am going back to Kenya for another missions trip! My first time was with Crossroads Church in 2012, and I always knew that I would one day go back. Fast forward 7 years and Jessica and I are going on our own mission trip to join with Ekenywa, a charity water organization. We are going there to do hands on work on the ground at their base in Nakuru, but our main emphasis will be to take photo and video for them to help spread their story. Ekenywa is a fairly young organization, but already doing great things! I met Elsie, one of the founders of Ekenywa, back in 2016, and I was so impressed by her drive, vision, joy, and love for others! I am so excited to go partner with her and her co-founders, Ashley and Chris, for this time in Kenya. We can’t wait to see what God will do!
It’s Jessica! It’s been such an awesome ride these past few years. I’m going on my third year working at UC Irvine in marketing and have been able to do some life changing traveling (Israel, Iceland, Alaska to name a few). This year, I have a great opportunity that I believe God is leading me to – an opportunity share the story of the people in Kenya.
Whilst Kenya is among one of the fastest growing economies in Africa, its social and economic inequalities are growing at the same rate. 42% of it’s 44 million population live below the World Health Organization (WHO) extreme poverty line of $1.25/day. The majority of the poor population live in rural areas that lack basic infrastructure such as roads, electricity and water. Water means health, education, food, and economic growth. Learn More Here >>
This is why we are partnering with Ekenywa. This organization believes that children are the key to unlocking poverty in any community, as well as empowering the community from the inside out. Larissa and I are so excited to share this story! Ekenywa is working hard and expanding to more areas by digging wells, setting up plumbing, raising awareness for sanitation, helping the people plant vegetables, and giving them a chance to live a life that is not dominated by needing to walk miles for water every day. Ekenywa’s WASH Programs (water, sanitation & hygiene) have impacted 5,000 children in rural Kenyan primary schools decreasing infection rates of intestinal parasites, improving school attendance, and their quality of life. Ekenywa’s Educational Fund has developed a sponsorship program for children’s school fees, uniforms and related expenses.
We felt very strongly that we wanted to support ourselves financially for this trip, but we are asking for a few things. We need your prayers for safety and God to work in and through us, and we want to humbly ask you to consider supporting our cause. Below are a few impactful things you can do to be a part of our story!

  1. Pick a day to pray for us on our trip. We will be going from March 17-March 31. Would you pick a day to think and pray for us on our trip? It would mean a lot to us to know we are covered in prayer. Sign up for our prayer team here >>
  2. Donate to Ekenywa. Learn more and Donate Here >>
  3. See what we are doing on social media during World Water Day, March 22!
    a. Facebook @Ekenywa
    b. Instagram @ekenywafrica
    c. Youtube: Ekenywa Africa
    d. Jessica’s Facebook :
    e. Jessica’s Instagram : @jeesshikaa
    f. Larissa’s Facebook:
    g. Larissa’s Personal Instagram: @larissabahradventures
    h. Larissa’s Work Instagram: @larissabahr

Please prayerfully consider how you would be willing to support us during this trip—either through prayer, financial support or both. Thank you for partnering with us and supporting us as we prepare for this adventure! We look forward to letting you know how the trip impacted our lives when we return!
-Jessica & Larissa


Make a contribution, supporting our efforts to create sustainable water solutions for schools and children in our communities in Kenya.


Increase awareness of the global water crisis by engaging others, starting a conversation and inspiring action. Share this video with your network and help make a difference.


Learn more about this global crisis and other ways you can get involved in becoming an agent of change, helping to ensure clean and safe water for all.

Want to learn more about World Water Day? Check out this fact sheet.

100% of Proceeds benefit ekenywa

and most importantly, the communities we serve